

In loving memory of late Shri Bhimsain Khurana, his family, in association with TASI, has formally instituted an award in the name of this Indian animation pioneer. Aptly christened as the BET (Bhimsain Emerging Talent) award, from 2018, it will be presented every year to a young and upcoming artist.
For this inaugural year, we have announced a BET trophy design competition.
The design should embody the pioneering efforts of BHIMSAIN and capture the essence of his contribution to the Indian Animation industry.
With these strong, recognisable visual motifs, the trophy design can embody a simple, yet resonating form.
BET Trophy design contest – submission guidelines:
Do you have a story?
Of course you have a story. Everyone has a story. And even if you don’t have a story, we want you to cook up a story.
About what?
Well about how Tata Docomo’s network is behind everything you do – behind leading companies in the country, behind your favourite pizza chains, insurance companies, hospitals, job portals, leading ATM’s, courier companies and many more. Tata Docomo helps them to deliver what you need.
So that’s all the information you need to weave a story. Go crazy. The duration of the final film should not exceed 30 seconds so plan your stories accordingly. And if your animation blows our mind, Tata Docomo will produce it. You stand the chance of winning Rs.1,00,000/-
You need to submit ANY of the following:
Guidelines & references: For guidelines, doodle styles, doodle references and ring tone – Click here.
Deadline: 1st December 2013
Submit your entry: Click here
For Rules & Regulations as well as Terms & Conditions click here
Got a question? Post in the comments section below and someone from TASI or TATA Docomo will answer.
Still got doubts, head over to the TATA DOCOMO website here for more details.
Attention TASI Members:
If you have completed ALL the following formalities
1. Submitted the requisite membership fee
2. Sent us 2 passport photographs
3. Sent us your Student ID copy (if applicable)
4. Sent us the completed registration form
yet NOT received your Membership Card, then get in touch with us immediately with your payment details so that we can figure out what needs to be done.
Contact Ravish on ravish(AT)tasionline.org for any queries/clarification
TASI has issued all membership cards where complete information, documentation and fee has been received. If any of the above is pending from your side, complete it immediately to get your TASI member Card.
REMEMBER: Admission to upcoming Anifest India 2010 and all TASI events is free for TASI members only. You have to carry your TASI member card to get admission.
Registrations to Anifest India 2009 have been on an upward swing. Within hours of opening, TASI has already received a fantastic response and this with the sessions still being formalised. TASI has announced a number of confimed speakers including Chetan Shashital, Sekhar Mukherjee, Rajiv Chikalapudi, representatives from Channel V and MTV. The highlight so far has been the the scheduled pre-production and art direction session by Nate Wragg from Pixar. TASI is also scheduling a full day session with Nate on the 17th of August, after the festival and proposes to give free entry to all Anifest Pass holders to this full day bonanza.
Do you want to register too? See the list of registration centers here.