All posts by TASI

TASI Viewer’s Choice Awards 2008

About Anifest India 2008 | Sessions | Registrations | TVC Awards | Sponsors | Supporters | Volunteers | Event Photographs | Feedback

All entries received are previewed by a panel of eminent industry professionals invited by TASI.

Shortlisted films are screened at the festival for live voting by the audience. Votes are counted on site and the entry receiving the most votes is declared the winner for that category. This year a total of 224 entries were previewed out of which 52 entries were selected for voting across the 3 categories.

Results for 2008

Category: Student Short Films

Winner: Arjun Dir: Ajay Singh Supahiya

Runner Up: Dance With The Devil Dir: Viola Baier

Winner Kitty: TVCA Trophy & Certificate, TASI T-Shirt & Cap, Fully loaded IMAC (courtesy APPLE), 22″ HP TFT Monitor (courtesy FRAMEBOXX), Softimage Esentials License, INTOUS3 6×8 Tablet (courtesy WACOM), Toonboom Storyboard, Paintshop Pro (courtesy COREL).
Runner-up Kitty: TVCA Certificate, TASI T-Shirt, Cap, INR 50,000 Cash, Graphics Card (courtesy NVidia)


Category: Professional Short Films

Winner: Passion Of Cricket Dir: Shyam Salunke

Runner Up: Key Tumi Dir: Kunal Sen

Winner Kitty: TVCA Trophy & Certificate, TASI T-Shirt & Cap, Fully loaded Intel Graphics Workstation with accessories (courtesy INTEL), 22″ HP TFT Monitor (courtesy FRAMEBOXX), Softimage Esentials License, INTOUS3 6×8 Tablet (courtesy WACOM), Toonboom Studio, Paintshop Pro + Video Suite (courtesy COREL).
Runner-up Kitty: TVCA Certificate, TASI T-Shirt, Cap, INR 50,000 Cash, Graphics Card (courtesy NVidia)


Category: Commissioned Films

Winner: Milkateer Sharpimage

Runner Up: Famous House of Animation

Winner Kitty: TVCA Trophy & Certificate, TASI T-Shirt & Cap, 22″ HP TFT Monitor (courtesy FRAMEBOXX), Softimage Esentials License, Graphics Card (courtesy NVidia), Video Suite (courtesy COREL).
Runner-up Kitty: TVCA Certificate, TASI T-Shirt, Cap, INR 50,000 Cash


Special Recognition by TASI

Learning is Fun Dir: Yash Choski (Age 13)

TASI T-Shirt, Cap, INTOUS3 6×4 Tablet (courtesy WACOM)


About Anifest India 2008 | Sessions | Registrations | TVC Awards | Sponsors | Supporters | Volunteers | Event Photographs | Feedback

Anifest India 2008 received an overwhelming response from volunteers. The final team of 56 was lead by Devang Parikh. This group ensured a smooth and trouble free festival by efficiently running and managing the operational aspects of the event.

Anifest India 2008 was held on the 15th, 16th and 17th of August ‘08. This is a community driven event, which means that volunteers are the backbone of this festival. Enthusiastic and trustworthy people shoulder various responsibilities through the event.

Volunteers are the grease of TASI’s gears. People in ALL capacities right from organizing the stage, to being hall marshals, to assisting speakers, to updating the website, managing publicity and PR make sure that the event is a huge success every year. As expected, this year too we put up an event worth remembering. A bonafide “Certificate of Appreciation” was given to all those who contributed their time and services.

Volunteer Certificate

Anifest India ‘08

About Anifest India 2008 | Sessions | Registrations | TVC Awards | Sponsors | Supporters | Volunteers | Event Photographs | Feedback

Anifest India '08

Anifest India 2008 was organised at the picturesque IIT, Powai campus in Mumbai on 15,16 & 17 August.

A new attraction was the ‘Sanskritik Rangarang Karyakram’ for added excitement and fun. It featured, dumb charades by members of the audience and live Indian classical dance performances by members of the Volunteer team.

The TVCA Awards which are unique to Anifest India also saw some additions with the introduction of a new category for Commissioned Films! All pre-selected films for the competition were screened for the audience.

Commissioned Films include animated ad films, promos, packaging, music videos and public service films. 224 entries were received and the the pre-selection was done on Aug. 10th, 2008 by a panel of experienced industry professionals.

TVCA Pre-selection Panel
TVCA 2008 Panel
Feni & Gobind rock the stage
Sanskritik Rangarang Karyakram

Masterclass in Animation

Upcoming Event

Date & Venue: To Be Announced

Animation For Those Who Cannot Draw – Sanjiv Waeerkar, Creative Director, UTV

– The beauty of animation as a medium
– Animation is not about good drawing but good timing and great performance
– Observation skills on great performance
– Discussion on:

  • Plot of the scene
  • What is the story point?
  • Which are your money moments?
  • Options of performances for your scene (interactive group activity)
  • Your choice for the performance
  • Understanding the core requirement of the scene (interactive group activity)

Animation Film Case Studies – Vaibhav Kumaresh, Vaibhav Studios

– Screening of animation films in various mediums: 2d, 3d digital, Stop-Motion
– The making of the 2d animated ‘3×9 sequence’ for Taare Zameen Par
– The making of the digital 3d animation ‘Ooga Booga’ series for Neo Sports

Animation Production Control and Management – Ranjit Singh, Creative Producer

– An introduction to Production Management
– The Animation Process across media
– The Production department – Requisite Skillsets
– Setting guidelines
– Scheduling
– Data Management
– Asset Management and Handling
– Communication
– The Delivery Process
– Client Relations and Cost Control