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All entries received are previewed by a panel of eminent industry professionals invited by TASI.
Shortlisted films are screened at the festival for live voting by the audience. Votes are counted on site and the entry receiving the most votes is declared the winner for that category. This year a total of 224 entries were previewed out of which 52 entries were selected for voting across the 3 categories.
Results for 2008
Category: Student Short Films

Winner: Arjun Dir: Ajay Singh Supahiya
Runner Up: Dance With The Devil Dir: Viola Baier
Winner Kitty: TVCA Trophy & Certificate, TASI T-Shirt & Cap, Fully loaded IMAC (courtesy APPLE), 22″ HP TFT Monitor (courtesy FRAMEBOXX), Softimage Esentials License, INTOUS3 6×8 Tablet (courtesy WACOM), Toonboom Storyboard, Paintshop Pro (courtesy COREL).
Runner-up Kitty: TVCA Certificate, TASI T-Shirt, Cap, INR 50,000 Cash, Graphics Card (courtesy NVidia)
Category: Professional Short Films

Winner: Passion Of Cricket Dir: Shyam Salunke
Runner Up: Key Tumi Dir: Kunal Sen
Winner Kitty: TVCA Trophy & Certificate, TASI T-Shirt & Cap, Fully loaded Intel Graphics Workstation with accessories (courtesy INTEL), 22″ HP TFT Monitor (courtesy FRAMEBOXX), Softimage Esentials License, INTOUS3 6×8 Tablet (courtesy WACOM), Toonboom Studio, Paintshop Pro + Video Suite (courtesy COREL).
Runner-up Kitty: TVCA Certificate, TASI T-Shirt, Cap, INR 50,000 Cash, Graphics Card (courtesy NVidia)
Category: Commissioned Films
Winner: Milkateer Sharpimage
Runner Up: Sulekha.com Famous House of Animation
Winner Kitty: TVCA Trophy & Certificate, TASI T-Shirt & Cap, 22″ HP TFT Monitor (courtesy FRAMEBOXX), Softimage Esentials License, Graphics Card (courtesy NVidia), Video Suite (courtesy COREL).
Runner-up Kitty: TVCA Certificate, TASI T-Shirt, Cap, INR 50,000 Cash
Special Recognition by TASI

Learning is Fun Dir: Yash Choski (Age 13)
TASI T-Shirt, Cap, INTOUS3 6×4 Tablet (courtesy WACOM)