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Anifest India ’09 – Schedule

The new dates for ANIFEST INDIA 09 have been announced – 18th to 20th September 2009.

Welcome Address & Inauguration 9:15 am to 10:00 am
Character Animation & Story-telling (Bill Miller) 10:00 am to 11:30 am
Entertaining India 1 (E.Suresh and Rudra Matsa) 11:40 am to 1:10 pm
LUNCH BREAK 1:20 pm to 2:20 pm
Animation & E-Learning (Sameer Sahasrabudhe) 2:30 pm to 3:30 pm
TVCA Screening & Voting (Student Films) 3:40 pm to 5:25 pm
TEA BREAK 5:35 pm to 6:05 pm
Concept to Screen for Feature Productions (Anand Bhanushali) 6:15 pm to 8:15 pm
Introduction to Day 2 8:25 pm to 8:30 pm
Animation in Television Channels (MTV/Channel[V]) 9:30 am to 11:30 am
Entertaining India 2 (Rajiv Chilaka & Ashish SK) 11:40 am to 1:10 pm
LUNCH 1:20 pm to 2:20 pm
TVCA Screening & Voting (Teacher Films) 2:30 pm to 2:45 pm
TVCA Screening & Voting (Professional Films) 2:55 pm to 3:55 pm
The Organic Face of 3D CGI (Vivek Ram) 4:05 pm to 5:05 pm
TEA 5:15 pm to 5:45 pm
Beyond Entertainment: Simulations (Rajat Ojha) 5:55 pm to 7:25 pm
The Art of Stereoscopy (Pradeep Soni) 7:35 pm to 8:35 pm
Introduction to Day 3 8:45 pm to 8:50 pm
Behind the Scenes – VFX (Krishnakant Mishra – Sony ImageWorks) 9:30 am to 11:30 am
Comic Tomic (Sekhar Mukherjee) 11:40 pm to 1:10 pm
LUNCH 1:20 pm to 2:20 pm
TVCA Screening & Voting (Commissioned Films) 2:30 pm to 3:15 pm
Art to Animation (Vijay Raut) 3:25 pm to 4:25 pm
TEA 4:35 pm to 5:05 pm
Vote of Thanks & Volunteer Felicitation 5:15 pm to 5:45 pm
Voicing for Animation (Chetan Sashital) 5:55 pm to 7:55 pm

Registrations Sessions Schedule TVC Awards 2009 Supporters

Anifest India 2009 – Sessions

Fun, interactive and informative sessions have been the trademark of Anifest India for years now and this year too, we promise to bring you some really exciting masterclasses and workshops during Anifest India 2009.

The sessions for the revised dates are :

1. Concept to Screen for Feature Productions

A comprehensive session about the process involved in an animation feature production. This session explains ‘A Character’ and the kind of design changes and evolution that takes place while creating it right from drawing boards to finally having it rendered and on screen. Further the session will also cover the technical processes and making of a robust pipeline required to successfully complete a feature production.

Speaker: Anand Bhanushali, Krayon Pictures

2. The Organic Face of 3D CGI

This session is about character volumes, form and deformations during movement. A look at the structure of the human face with comparisons between real and toon faces, the session will compare good and bad models of the human body. Common issues when a mesh deforms during motion will be shown and simple examples of how rigs can be modified to create more believable creases around joints and large body areas will be demonstrated.

Speaker: Vivek Ram

3. Character Animation & Story Telling

This session explores how a better understanding of story can help you bring out more character and empathy in your animation. Using examples from classic films, we will break down concepts such as film structure, scene structure, subtext, character arcs and point of view. Your job as an animator is telling a story and this class will help you animate your scenes keeping the big picture in mind.

Speaker: Bill Miller, VCL

4. Entertaining India – 1

The session aims to explore the future of creating content in India and also for Indian audiences. Watch and learn as those who have managed to cross over, share their secrets to success.

Speakers: E Suresh, Famous Studios and Rudra Matsa, RME

5. Animation E-Learning

eLearning is growing as a massive industry, and animation has become a staple component of it. The requirement of the animation techniques and style may be a bit different from the conventional ‘entertainment’ domain, but the fundae remain the same. This session will present an array of the existing styles and forms of animations prevalent in the eLearning domain, with a few case studies.

Speaker: Sameer Sahasrabudhe, IIT

6. Comic Tomic

A deeper look into the dark side of some shy people or a candid chitchat with few comic book storytellers! A variety of Indian comic book artists will present their respective comic books (projected on the big screen) and take the audience through their stories, their emotions, tips, and behind the pages!

Speaker: Sekhar Mukherjee, Anindya Roy, Sarbajit Sen

7. Animating for Tele Channels

Understanding the genre of TV content that is catchy, creative, out of the box and plain whacked out. From Show packaging to commissioned projects get the gyan from those who are creating the most memorable content on TV today. Its Gen Next – up front and personal.

Speakers: Piyush Raghani, MTV India / Manish Sehrawat, Sheetal Sudhir, Channel [V], Rajiv Eipe

8. Entertaining India – 2

Indian content has arrived on TV and in this second part, we further explore the finer points of reaching your next big idea to the screen.

Speaker: Rajiv Chilaka, Green Gold and Ashish S K, Big Animation

9. The Art of Stereoscopy

Showcasing the art of creating stereoscopic movies, in this session we will see a short animated clip rendered for stereoscopic projection by a student of NID.

Speaker: Pradeep Soni

10. Beyond Entertainment: Simulations

Unraveling the mysteries behind real life simulations. There’s a career in this too. Step away from the world of entertainment and see the possibilities of using your talent in recreating reality. From defense to gaming, real time simulations are here.

Speaker: Rajat Ojha, Zen Technologies

11. Behind the Scenes – VFX

Our favorite presenter is back again, this year too with some more surprises. Share the experiences on the making of some of the recent biggest block busters from Sony Pictures Imageworks.

Speaker: Sony ImageWorks

12. Art to Animation

A demonstration using digital technology to design and create a character using a live on-stage reference. The session will illustrate the various facets of character design for different media such as Film, TV, Theatre and Print.

Speaker: Vijay Raut, Bombay Arts Society

13. Voicing for Animation

The importance of voice casting for characters and visual story telling. Catch the master of voices in a session that promises to be a once in a lifetime experience. The voice behind some of the most memorable content on TV and animated films is sure to give you an earful.

Speaker: Chetan Sashital

TVCA student films: Screening and voting of the best films of last year
TVCA independent films: Screening and voting of the best films of last year
TVCA *new* category – Films made by Teachers: Screening and voting of the best films of last year
TVCA Commissioned films: Screening and voting of the best films of last year

* Please note that all programmes are subject to the availability of the speakers and TASI reserves the right to modify the schedule at any point in time. Any changes will be announced on the TASI website.

Registrations Sessions Schedule TVC Awards 2009 Supporters

TASI Viewers’ Choice Awards, 2009

TVCA Anifest India 09 – Winners

Student Film:
Winner: Ukadi Pukadi – Anuj/Avinash/Dhruva/Swarup/Jaikar  (NID)
Goodies Bag: TASI Trophy, TASI Cap, HP 22″ TFT monitor, Corel Painter License,
Wacom Bamboo Tablet, ToonBoom Studio Animate License,
Houdini Apprentice License, Seagate 320 GB USB drive courtesy TASI

Runner Up: Indiasome – Sangram Soni (NID)
Goodies Bag: TASI Cap, Nvidia Graphics Card courtesy Frameboxx Animation Visual Effects,
Seagate 320 GB USB drive courtesy TASI

Independent Professional Film:
Winner: Bee Zee Bees – Ashish S. K. & Vijay Raibole
Goodies Bag: TASI Trophy, TASI Cap, HP 22″ TFT monitor, Corel Studio Video License,
Wacom Bamboo Tablet, ToonBoom Studio License, Houdini Apprentice License,
High-end workstation courtesy Intel, Seagate 320 GB USB drive courtesy TASI

Runner Up: Curious Todd – Ganesh Gothwal & Rahul Jogale
Goodies Bag: TASI Cap, Nvidia Graphics Card courtesy Frameboxx Animation Visual Effects,
Seagate 320 GB USB drive courtesy TASI

Commissioned Film:
Winner: Global Warming – Famous House of Animation
Goodies Bag: TASI Trophy, TASI Cap, HP 22″ TFT monitor, Corel Studio Factory License,
Wacom Bamboo Tablet, ToonBoom Storyboard License,
Houdini Apprentice License, Seagate 320 GB USB drive courtesy TASI

Runner Up: Neki & Pooch Pooch – Go Fly a Kite – Famous House of Animation
Goodies Bag: TASI Cap, Nvidia Graphics Card courtesy Frameboxx Animation Visual Effects,
Houdini Apprentice License, Seagate 320 GB USB drive courtesy TASI

Teachers’ Film:
Winner: Dolly & Me – Mahesh Gore & B. Raja Sekhar
Goodies Bag: TASI Trophy, TASI Cap, HP 22″ TFT monitor, Corel Painter License,
Wacom Bamboo Tablet, Houdini Apprentice License, Seagate 320 GB USB drive courtesy TASI

Runner Up: Deserted – Saikat Majumdar & Somraj Chatterjee
Goodies Bag: TASI Cap, Nvidia Graphics Card courtesy Frameboxx Animation Visual Effects,
Seagate 320 GB USB drive courtesy TASI

List of selected film makers for TASI Viewer’s Choice Awards at Anifest India 2009

Student Films Independent Professional Films Commissioned Films Teacher’s Films
Tapas Jana -Mumbai Charlotte Boulay – Goldsmith / Adamsmith-UK Spe Networks – Asia PTE ltd.-Singapore Mahesh Gore / B.Raja Sekhar – Hyderabad
Ashwin Inamdar -USA Vasanth Kumar – Mumbai Famous House of Animation – Mumbai Saikat Majunder
Neil Helm-USA Siddharth Maskeri -Mumbai Vijay Pisal – V Animates Production-Mumbai Basawraj Musavalagi – CAVA
Selene Hunnicut-USA Kartik S – Chennai Nikhil Patil / Reynold Rodrigues-Mumbai
Adam Toews – USA Rishi Sahany – Neral Ashim Ahluwalia – Mumbai
Bang.Yao Liu Rashmi Borole-Pune Uttam Pal Singh / Manish Sehrawat-Mumbai
Brandyn Bold – USA Deepak..C.C-Mumbai Sudarshan Sudevan – Mumbai
Nyssa Benthin – USA Ajinkya Naik -Mumbai Vijay Rathod – Mumbai
Fay Helfer-USA Prashanth V. S. – Ahmedabad Nupur Bhargava – Mumbai
Stephen Hammond – USA Ashish S.K / Vijay Raibole-Pune Monisha Chatterjee – Mumbai
Sara Pitz – USA Satyendra Rane – Mumbai Latika Sewalia – Mumbai
Will Hoag – USA Suhas Majagoankar, Rahul Bakshi – Pune Rhythm & Hues
Ashwin Inamdar
Jason Lawrence – Mumbai
Vipin Babu
Gaurav Juya -Ahmedabad
Vijaypaul Punia -Ahmedabad
Sanjay – Ahmedabad
Mirnalimi Kannan – Ahmdabad
Delwyn Jude Remedios-Ahmdabad
Sangram Soni – Ahmdabad
Sangram Soni – Ahmdabad
Amaranta, Anwesha, Avinash, Neeta, Dhruv, Gayatri, Jaikar, Swaroop, Piyali
Manish Thorat
Anna Slavkova – Sofia
Govind Rajewar, Parag Warade, Sachin Punde
MJTC – Student Films

Rules & Regulations:

  • Films sent as entries will be added to the TASI archives.
  • TASI reserves the right to use any/all of the entries for its promotional activities.
  • Students have to provide letter from their institute certifying validity of film(s) for
    student category.
  • TASI reserves the right to accept/reject entries at its discretion.
  • The Viewer’s Choice Award consists of one single trophy per category.
  • For group projects, individual citations for each member of the winning entry will
    be awarded.
  • In case of a tie, one winner per category will be decided by members of TASI
    managing committee.
  • Each film to be submitted along with its respective entry form duly filled.
  • Decision of the society regarding any/all of the above will be final and binding on all parties without prejudice
  • FOR THE NEW CATEGORY: Only those films made excusively by teachers / trainers will qualify for the ‘Films by Teachers / Trainers’ category. No part of the visuals may be created / assisted by any person(s) who is not a practicing teacher / trainer

• The prizes have to be collected from TASI by the winners within 30 days from Anifest India 2009, failing which TASI reserves the right to award the winnings to the next best film

Registrations Sessions Schedule TVC Awards 2009 Supporters

Anifest India registrations pickup speed.

Registrations to Anifest India 2009 have been on an upward swing. Within hours of opening, TASI has already received a fantastic response and this with the sessions still being formalised. TASI has announced a number of confimed speakers including Chetan Shashital, Sekhar Mukherjee, Rajiv Chikalapudi, representatives from Channel V and MTV. The highlight so far has been the the scheduled pre-production and art direction session by Nate Wragg from Pixar. TASI is also scheduling a full day session with Nate on the 17th of August, after the festival and proposes to give free entry to all Anifest Pass holders to this full day bonanza.

Do you want to register too? See the list of registration centers here.

TASI opens registration centers across multiple cities

TASI has taken a couple of new initiatives in order to make it easier for people to register for Anifest India 2009. Various registration centers have been opened all across Mumbai from where animation lovers can pick up their passes.

TASI recently visited Pune and is glad to announce that for the first time, it has opened 4 registration centres in the city. Active co-operation from training institutes and local individuals has made this possible. We see a huge potential in initiating a pro-active animation community movement in Pune and artists can rest assured to more TASI events in the city in the coming months.

Update: TASI has also opened registration centers in Kolkata, Ahmedabad and Bangalore.

For information on Registration Centers click here.