Anifest India is possible every year due to the support and generosity of our sponsors and contributors. The funds received during this festival also enable the Society to conduct its monthly events over the next 12 months. The Society thanks all those who make it possible.
10:00 am
Ram Mohan
10.45 am
A live drawing demonstration explaining the fundamentals and 4 – 5 simple a basic principles of classical animation. Animation exercises that every animation trainee or student is expected to attempt and the importance of these exercises -how they incorporate some very significant laws of physics that we often tend to forget or overlook. This will be supported by animated clips.
Prakash Moorthy
12.25 pm
Discussing merits of artistic value with examples of films made in India. To see how cinema always tells the story of “loss of freedom” or “celebration of freedom” while reflecting its’ times. How authors use the good , bad and the ugly. Two case studies, Paradise by Ishu Patel & Roberto Enrico’s An occurrence at the Owls bridge . A light hearted session, the presentation looks at animation as an expression of the people and an inherent quest for identity, reflecting a society, its goodness, its wants, ills and most importantly, its desire for change.
Vinayak Pawar
3.15 pm
An interactive exercise for staging and silhouette by playing with shadows while focusing on shapes to emote feelings. Working with the audience and discussing the thought process behind the shown poses. This presentation will show the importance of staging and interpretation of silhouettes by involving members from the audience and translating their actions interactively into 3d.
Manu Ittina
4.55 pm
Principles of acting as applied to animation. Using real situations, the class will explore how to derive memorable performances in the most mundane situations. The session will look at how to bring these performances alive using animation. A further brief look at various ways to add layers of meaning to acting. This session is interactive and audience members will be expected to perform on stage.
7.15 pm
DAY 2 – 16th August 2008
Krishnakant Mishra
VFX CASE STUDY Krishnakant Mishra
9.30 am
An in-depth look at the visual effects in the Hollywood blockbuster ‘I Am Legend’ starring Will Smith. Behind the scenes, shooting techniques, chroma tricks, matte paintings, set extensions, CGI and more. A surprise presentation has also been added which will be revealed at the festival.
Sandeep Sethi
11.10 am
Motion control in an interactive session on use and capabilities, presentation of before/after reels with essential tips & tricks. The session will discuss requirements for pre-production as well as post-production and will demonstrate the capabilities of the RIG, MILO and their limitations. ‘How to’ of integration with CGI and across different media. A must see for all directors and visual effects enthusiasts.
Santosh Sawant
2.00 pm
Beginning with the principles of animation such as stretch, squash, wave, anticipation, action, reaction, weight, settle and cushion the session will showcase examples from films to illustrate these principles in a frame-by-frame study. This will be followed by a live drawing session to show how these principles are applied.
IP CREATION & DISTRIBUTION – Session canceled due to unavailability of speaker Rahul Bakshi
3.40 pm
Presenting ‘Dashavatar ’. A case study from script to screen, highlighting various aspects of animation film making, marketing & distribution. A frank discussion on what worked, and what didn’t. A never before look at the things to watch out for, pitfalls, strategies & schemes to ensure protection & promotion of your IP.
Sanjiv Waeerkar
Sanjiv Waeerkar
6.00 pm
An interactive discussion and demonstration of the need, importance, advantages and disadvantages of story-boards. The story-board as an invaluable aid for the Director and the entire production. You too can make an effective story-board even if you can’t draw. It’s about the story and not about your drawing skills.
TVCA SCREENING & VOTING Professional Short Films
7.40 pm DAY 3 – 17th August 2008
Vinnie Reddy
MOTION CAPTURE TECHNOLOGY Diwakar Vashisht & Vinnie Reddy
9.30 am
Discussing trends in motion capture worldwide with footage of motion capture based movies. Followed by a live demonstration of motion capture technology using members from the audience to perform for animation of digital models.
Sekhar Mukherjee
COMIC ART Sekhar Mukherjee
11.10 am
Introduction to Comic Art. The trick to surviving on passion, pencil and paper. The medium as an aid to films as it involves concept art, camera angles, story-boarding etc. History of comic books and the advent of storytelling. Showcasing great artists and demo of how to do research. Followed by a live demonstration of the process of the creation of comic art.
Delwyn Remedios
SAND ANIMATION Delwyn Remedios
2.00 pm
Screening of ‘Chai Break’ followed by a presentation on the film. Exercises including the creation of a small sequence. This will introduce the medium, its possibilities, advantages & the process. Volunteers will be invited to animate one frame at a time to create a truly interactive film. The basic purpose is for people to see the process & also get a feel of doing it themselves.
Ranjit Singh
3.40 pm
A non-technical session presenting simple ideas to ensuring efficiencies in productions irrespective of scale. File naming, production tracking & effective communication, including organising & maintaining a structured work-flow. A look at managing art & scheduling using common sense & a proactive approach.
Sudip & Mohan
VFX CASE STUDY – THODA PYAAR THODA MAGIC Mohan Krishnan, Sudip Chatterjee
4.35 pm
An interactive presentation on the visual effects behind the making of Thoda Pyar Thoda Magic. Behind the scenes, integration of live action with CGI, chroma shooting and more. Directors’ perspective on importance and effective integration of visual effects into mainstream Indian film productions.
TVCA SCREENING & VOTING Commissioned Films
6.10 pm
Since its inception, the Society has encouraged and worked with an open spirit of mutual collaboration with other organisations for various events. These institutions help to carry the message of the Society to their respective audiences and vice-versa. The Society thanks them for their continued support and encouragement.
In 2007, TASI presented for the first time ever in India, an animation festival with an education track. We at TASI take a holistic view towards animation and strive to involve all those who are connected to the industry in some form or other and animation educators are a key element of this machinery.
We extended the platform to animation education, along with the professional sessions. Premiere schools and educators from all over India and overseas presented their approach and viewpoints. Also showcased were their best student films. The presentations covered animation film-making, software training, communication design, as well as workshops for children! It was a great platform for teachers to voice their opinions and suggestions. Future animation students as well as educators/trainers were exposed to the variety in approaches to animation education.
The professional sessions also had new subjects so far untapped in animation at the festival level: pixillation, animation in advertising, scriptwriting, game design and award winning case studies. Stalwarts of respective fields enthralled the audiences with their presentations.
Day 1:
Anifest 2007 began with a long line of animation students, fans and professionals queuing up outside the Rama Watumull Auditorium, KC College. Following the welcome address and inauguration, the terrific trio of Bala, Prabuddha and Anto Paul gave the audience a sneak peek of Little Krishna. The excitement quickly turned into a full-fledged fun riot with Vaibhav Kumaresh animating the audience with a pixillation workshop. Post tea the audience was back for a presentation, screening and education panel by Whistling Woods, Arena Academy & IDC. The eagerly awaited appearance of the spectacular Spiderman 3 was courtesy of Krishnakant Mishra of Imageworks India who spun a fascinating web of action and education.
Day 2:
Kirk Bodyfelt of Sony Pictures Imageworks harped on a non-glamorous yet essential aspect for creating CG Animated Films; Feature production and the pipeline. The keynote speaker of the day; Matthew Jeffrey of Electronic Arts USA shared a vision of the future of Gaming and the game industry. Sensing that the audience was more than game, Ninad Chaya of Jump Games traversed the gamut of Game Development from concept to release. It was then time for Takshaa and Toonskool to present and screen their respective institutions on the education panel. The pen-pushing duo of Cyrus Oshidar and J. Bhattacharya gave a crash course on writing for animation. After a cuppa of chai (Official Beverage), the ever-eager audience trooped in to vote for the films screened at the Anifest Viewer’s Choice Award. Next on the education panel was Graphiti and MAAC. Compositing Guru David Crawford of Pixion highlighted a few case studies and shared his experiences in the industry with the students.
Day 3:
Arish Fyzee, Samir Hoon of Prana Studios showcased Cinematic design & dynamic composition for animation & visual effects. Valencia Univ., Nanyang Polytechnic and NID brought an international dimension to the Education Panel. After lunch, Toon Club & Toonz Animation showcased their Animation Training for Children programs and screened films by created by children. Sanjiv Waeerkar of UTV Toons waltzed the audience through a Character Design and animation case study. Last but certainly not the least we had Prakash Moorthy of Miditech talking on the importance of Original Content in Animation with Galli Galli Sim Sim as an example.
Later that evening The Mayfair, Worli was witness to the Anifest India 2007 Viewer’s Choice Awards Screening & Voting followed by Cocktails & Dinner with the band Vayu rocking the festival to a befitting finish! The lively entertaining and educating three day festival came to a close with a vote of thanks to all the people that made it happen and a thundering applause that eclipsed nature’s monsoon fury.
Check out some of the fun stuff from Anifest India 2007