A hands-on workshop in Model Animation with the Vaibhav Studios team, where the process of stop motion/puppet/clay animation will be demonstrated live. This will include techniques like displacement as well as replacement animation. Stop motion professional artists will guide the participants to create their own wire frame armatures for stop motion.
The workshop will demonstrate the following:
1. Stop motion film screenings: puppets, clay, different materials, pixillation
2. Replacement/ displacement animation techniques
3. Translating a 2d character design into an armature diagram
4. Live demonstration of the process of making armatures
5. Tips and suggestions on materials
6. Action analysis
7. Shoot set up
8. Live demonstration of the stop motion animation shoot
9. Playback of the action and review
10. Exhibition of participants’ armatures
11. Q&A
Date: 5th May 2012
Time: 10 am to 1 pm
Venue: JSS Auditorium, 1st Main Road, 38 Cross, Jagadguru Shivarathreeshwara Circle, Jayanagar 8th Block, Bengaluru